A living packet of energy taken human form, E-Man is a superhero originally created for Charlton Comics. The Publisher was Digital Webbing in 1973. Though the character's original series was short-lived, the lightly humorous hero.
E-Man is a sentient packet of energy thrown off by a nova. Traveling the
galaxy he learned about life, how to duplicate the appearance of life,
and about good and evil. Reaching Earth, he met exotic dancer/grad
student Katrinka Colchnzski, also known as Nova Kane, and formed himself into a superhero he called E-Man, with a civilian identity he dubbed "Alec Tronn."
His powers included immortality,
flight, elasticity, size manipulation, firing energy blasts from his
hands, changing his appearance, and
transforming part or all of his body into anything he could envision.

Millions of years ago, a distant star went supernova. Out
of its destruction, a new life form was born, when a packet of energy spat
off during the explosion developed sentience. Gradually it wandered the universe,
learning and developing its understanding - and with understanding came a
desire to find other intelligent life to communicate with. Travelling from
world to world, it finally encountered (non-sentient) life on Sirius IV,
and figured out a way to duplicate the appearance of that life with its own
form. It encountered humanoid life on the planet Orgee, and learned of evil
when it witnessed the ruler of that planet's evil activities. Assuming humanoid
form for the first time, it (or he, given the form it assumed) helped free
the inhabitants from their despot.

Travelling on, the energy being spotted a spacecraft travelling through Earth's
solar system. Entering the vehicle, the being copied the appearance of one
of the robots on board, but this slight increase in mass caused the vessel
to veer off course and crash on Earth. Departing the downed ship, the energy
being got trapped in high tension wires and transported along them, until
he arrived inside a light bulb around the dressing room mirror of exotic
dancer Nova Kane (a.k.a. Katrinka Colchnzski).
Vamfire, His Sister |
She released him from the bulb by smashing it, and he took on human form
again. He spent the night in her car battery, and the next morning spotted
a poster of Albert Einstein in her apartment. When she explained the meaning
of the formula E=mc2 displayed on under the scientist's picture,
the energy being recognised that it described him well (being the relation
between energy and matter), and dubbed himself E-Man. Inspired by comics
he found, he developed a costume, and became a superhero. He soon added
Mike Mauser and a koala named Teddy to his
list of allies. Some time after E-Man made it to Earth, so too did his sister,

People think E-man is a very humorous and entertaining superhero but we think that the creator
Nicola Cuti and artist Joe Staton could do much more by making a good costume and creating less powers for E-man so there could be a challenger who could hurt E-man easily for more fun in the comics.